Outdoor Design Idea by Eckersley Garden Architecture – Suburban Retreat

This green outdoor space design ideas – Suburban Retreat is designed by Australia-based Eckersley Garden Architecture who has indeed gone the green way in its beautiful garden design.











Suburban Retreat Swimming Pool


Suburban Retreat Swimming Pool


Laid out around a large inconspicuous period family home, this is a generous sized gracious garden of sensitivity and charm. All effort has been made to compliment foliage and flowers with finishes and facilities. This lush green garden is surprisingly drought tolerant but also backed up with a bore and holding tanks.

The compartmentalized design has a range of active and passive recreational areas to satisfy all moods and activities. Options include: swimming pool, in ground trampoline, herb and vegetable garden, hen house, undercover BBQ and dining area plus both sunny and shaded relaxation areas.

Soft landscape includes clipped green shards of hedge for screening, woodland plantings of seasonal foliage, contoured lawns, flows of mass ground covers, creepers to climb and drape and herb and vegies for the kitchen.

Visit Eckersley Garden Architecture website for more detail about their outdoor space design ideas.

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One Response to “Outdoor Design Idea by Eckersley Garden Architecture – Suburban Retreat”

  1. Thank you for your comments about the gardens we have designed.
    We love seeing others take an interest in the gardens we have created.

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